
Showing posts from April, 2021


  In this project, it represents how I feel about myself. Throughout my life, I have tried to look like other people in order to be accepted in society. I never accepted my curly hair. As you can see, these flowers represent my curly hair, symbolizing the beauty it holds. I've recently come to realize that my curly afro is beautiful just the way it is. The flowers represent me as a person, because they bloom. I am beautiful no matter how my hair is and I've learned to live by that. The plants overall adds an earthy feeling to this piece. I also added a tiara because I believe that I am worthy of any and everything. I've grown to know my worth. 

My Tag Brush

  Above are different colors of a tag brush I made. This honestly took so long and was a little hard to do on an iPad. I wish my tag brush was a little bolder, so it wouldn’t be hard to see. I will be sure to make it as visible as possible in my art. For now on I will be putting this on my work. 

BW To Color

This project was really fun to work on. I got to experiment with different colors and change different parts of the picture. I think these colors went well together, going hand and had with the themes. It was fun changing the color of my lipstick on the Adobe Photoshop app. The only negative thing I would have to say is that it's a little difficult using the lasso tool to select an object still.